You hit the nail on the headOriginally posted by robwills2
We have mega safe rules for first timers and yet it all goes to sh*t with so called "Pro" players.
An accident is an accident and guns in car parks are an accident waiting to happen.
We seem to have a much more relaxed attitiude towards safety at competitions. My experience of anything is to make everything idiot proof. Not to assume that everyone is competent until they prove otherwise (ie an accident and bad press), but to assume everyone is incompetent and will exploit any lapses in safety until they prove they are competent.
Prevention is better than cure and it only takes the one idiot in thousands to spoit everything.
In theory Tourney players know and understand the hazards and are more safe, but we are the ones more likely to be complacent.
Think of this. More people are cut by blunt knives than by sharp ones. (Medical Fact)