Garry's new Axe & Tris's shoe
Word on the street - well from Garry actually is that he has himself a brand new Timmy! It must be good as he is ditching his beloved Angel.
I can confirm by the way that the medals etc. do look peachy....having said that shall I leave them at the Sab Office, save wasting everyones time

only joking!!!!!!!...
or am I Somehow I don't think my squad will be the fastest on the day, but maybe we can make up for it with style
Hey Tris, it was I who fished your boot out of the stinking mire...but if I recall the smile was put firmly back on your face after two very sweet surrenders by the crate/vans, even though you were down to your last paintball!
...any way guys, Sunday is only a few days away, see you on site!