Christ, some people just don't know when to shut up. About all you can achieve by constantly bugging an airline, or going public with some half-arsed vendetta, is alert them AND OTHER AIRLINES to the issue, and ensure that every one of them makes explicit changes to their policy banning the transport of paintball markers.
Don't think the airlines are that bothered, and that they won't go to the effort of changing their written policy? In that case make sure one of the red-tops picks up on it, portrays us as the dangerous fringe of society, and makes it a public issue. Then the airlines will be falling over themselves to publicise how they're improving security for all by preventing crazed lunatics from taking weapons onto aircraft.
Sure, rant about it on here all you like, but for everyone's sake, please understand that Joe Public will get the wrong end of the stick every time, so SHUT THE HELL UP.
Don't think the airlines are that bothered, and that they won't go to the effort of changing their written policy? In that case make sure one of the red-tops picks up on it, portrays us as the dangerous fringe of society, and makes it a public issue. Then the airlines will be falling over themselves to publicise how they're improving security for all by preventing crazed lunatics from taking weapons onto aircraft.
Sure, rant about it on here all you like, but for everyone's sake, please understand that Joe Public will get the wrong end of the stick every time, so SHUT THE HELL UP.