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Russian Legion Xball...


Jul 9, 2001
I don't expect the Yanks to believe how good the RL are. They're just going to have to wait and see what happens in Divisional X-ball.

Of course none of us can guanentee what's going to happen, but the way they consistently thrash good teams, shooting out good players like they're not even there...

I think the other thing that has everyone so excited is the way the Legion have struggled to break the limits in 7 man, and yet have so quickly picked up a dominant strategy for training in x-ball.

I think everyone here in Europe is hearing how the Legion have trained, and those of us lucky enough to have seen them play at Millenniums agree, that their training regime is going to give them an advantage over the Americans.

They looked signifigantly more convincing than Dynasty in Amsterdam...
Originally posted by Red_Merkin

I think the other thing that has everyone so excited is the way the Legion have struggled to break the limits in 7 man, and yet have so quickly picked up a dominant strategy for training in x-ball.


Dominant strategy? You mean money.

If they had been full time when they were playing 7-Man, you'd have been wetting your pants about them then too...tha only thing that's changed is that they play ball 40 hours a week and everybody else plays for about 8, and that's tha Pros.


Pastor of Muppets
Aug 11, 2002
Originally posted by Red_Merkin
They looked signifigantly more convincing than Dynasty in Amsterdam...
Better than Dynasty? You mean, Dynasty the paintball team? But... how is that possible? Better?!

Xball hasn't been Dynasty's forte, incidentally. They don't have that many Xball tournaments under their belt, I'll grant, but they have been more consistently successful in 7 man.


Aug 19, 2003
i take it you didn't see the russians kill everything in their path? hehe! They wow-ed everyone and made teams like Joy and Tigers look like Amateurs (no offense Joy and Tigers :) ) Dynasty still wow-ed me, but the Russians ...........

It was like watching Man Utd take on Kettering Town Sunday Evening Football Club every match.

Excellant viewing!


Jul 9, 2001
i guess that's what everyone is hoping for, to see RL take on the Yanks.
I guess what everyone is excited about is fact that this RL team looks like the best chance anyone has had for a long time of breaking the suppramicy of the yanks.

gyro, i ment what i said, Dynasty didn't look as convincing as RL.
i didn't say better, they just seemed to be more 'business' and less agg.

TJ is right though, the strategy is money. Sergi has his sights firmly set on the Yanks, and seems prepared to put a LOT of money behind it, who else in paintball has that kind of money?

while the yanks are all moaning about what league they're allowed to play in, the RL are training...

I guess we'll all have to wait until RL head state side... which shouldn't be long now!


New Member
Jul 15, 2003
Michigan Ave.
I'm not going to get into the cross-atlantic trash talking but do guys realize how frickin long you've used the US as your measuring stick?

Red Merkin, as you suggest that we won't believe it until we see it... How many NXL matches have you watched? Just some food for thought.


Aug 19, 2003
we'll all just have to wait, but the speculation is fantastic! I vote Russian to dominate in the states, and I think Aug is the first test for The Legion overseas. Unless someone knows any different?

Whatever the results, it will be one heck of a years balling! Are they playing Div1 there in Aug?

And I cant see any reason why they won't be playing NXL'ers at Orlando :D I'd pay good money for that DVD!

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
All I gotta say about it is that it would sure make for some more watchable games.... Problem with the Legion at this moment is that as soon as the initial "awe" has worn off, it gets kinda boring to see them sweep all before them. Every game was really lobsided, which is reasuring if you are one of their players, but doesn't make for the most interesting thing to watch... Nexus/Ignition for example was more fun for the spectators.

As for the whole "Russian Legion will kick Yankee butt" discussion, that's all just speculation at the moment, but they would sure stand one hell of a good chance. I'm pretty sure they would put the fear of god into a good number of teams.
Shame they will be restricted to division 1 XBall, so they can't play the true XBall squads.

What's also kinda weird with the Legion is that they have no star players. Sure, some of them will be better than the others, but it seems almost as if they make a point of not having one of them stand out more than the rest. Almost like watching a team of nothing but linemen win the Superbowl...