Originally posted by Russell Smith
Ok Jahlad you might be right (I'm not saying yet
However could you tell us all why - And quote the PA rule that has made you come to this conclusion
You asked for an on line test will this do.
If anyone else has an opinion please post away.
oops sorry
ok better answer:
im not sure about other leagues but under the pa rules it would not be allowed for a number of reasons, firstly it would more than likely cause a paintball to bounce rather than break. But i would also be not allowed due to the fact that the way that an indian headdress such as that is concructed, ie several overlapping layers as well as the range of colours in close proximity could both be factors in covering up a hit, therefore making it hard for a ref to see a hit on the wearers head.
not an exact quote i know, but i dont have my copy of the rule book to hand
wasnt me asking about an online tet....tho i do think its a good idea to test the refs that have already qualified, to make sure they are on top of it