Wooo Calm Down rooster
Sorry to upset you but I think I assumed to much.
1) I was Under the assumtion that as most Americans Who work for the USAF within the UK. Live on the bases. Thus as you are a member of the U.S. Forces I assumed that You were also living on the base.(when not in Turkey)
2)Forgive me if I am wrong but are Lakenheath, Mildenhall and the likes not owned by the British. The land might be British soil but everything that is planted on it is in fact an American forces installation and thus owned by the U.S. Could this be why you can pay for everything in dollars on the bases? Do you not live in a military family housing? Thus this to is owned by the U.S.
Personell who live on the base and work for the U.S. and not paying U.K. taxes are in fact working in the states. British nationals are working for the U.S. as subcontractors and are working within the U.S. but due to the fact that they do not leave the Uk for more then 6 months, they do in fact pay British Taxes to the British government. All Military Personel who Live Outside the base in military family housing but Work on the base are still within the U.S. even though they have to commute through the UK.
Ever wondered why Every building within the base has a Zip code and not a postal code??? And is in fact Listed as State AP?okay and finally on this point why do I have to add 011 to the front of the phone number instead of just -44 for a UK number?
3) I didn't say that you slated the English It was a general observation and I should have put it within quotation marks.
4) Okay I thaught sarcasm was an British Trait.
5) If Paintball was an official Recognised sport then national team qualification would probeblly appear to be the same as soccer. Therfore as long as you had an English Parent or Grandmother or born In England you could play for the English Team. otherwise Tough.