sparks if you have normal cover plan phone 01442 353000 and ask to speak to customer service they can sort you a copy of your policy and maybe fax it to you the only problem is that it dont cover the softwear.Originally posted by SPARKLIE CHICK
I have paid for wipe my arse I am tec fobe service all singing all dancing package so this is not supposed to happen.
PC world are being total Bars ards Just cause all the paper work is in the end of yesr books they are passsing the buck like it's a dead curency.
i think it to remove the back history from internet explorer and all the 0898 dialers he downloads !!!!!!!!!!!!Originally posted by Adrenochrome Thunder
Beaker in i used to work at comet shocker
Thats gotta hurt to come out and say that, well done we all have skeletons in the closet dont we, i know it was only one goat but you get a name for your self.
Surely your retail experience means you can fix any computer with a big spanner and a hammer, just ask yourself why does he have to rebuild his pc every 2 months??