They are Auto, Not illegal as they aren't counted under the firearms act ( doesn't cause a penetrating injury ) and wouldn't be on sale in the UK so easily if they were, much like buying a Rifle / shotgun here that holds over 2 shots, near impossible without a license which is very hard to get and then very very rare to find a seller due to this. but they are the big bulky M249 replicas fitted with Crap4's box mag, one of them is on a Phenom as well.
Sure they are great n all but it's just a joke when they send so much paint over your way, having the shield would **** these guys right up, I'd just advance on them until they run out of paint.
And rest assured, our site has very very few rules, Chrono'ing isn't really strict there either, I often go on around 295-299 FPS without an issue as do most people. Not naming and shaming on here as I quite like the guys. just want some balance to our rec days.
Sure they are great n all but it's just a joke when they send so much paint over your way, having the shield would **** these guys right up, I'd just advance on them until they run out of paint.
And rest assured, our site has very very few rules, Chrono'ing isn't really strict there either, I often go on around 295-299 FPS without an issue as do most people. Not naming and shaming on here as I quite like the guys. just want some balance to our rec days.