Steve played for us and he didnt try to hide a shot as none of our team got 141'dworst play i saw all day was steve (team captain of RHINO) guesting for a team. he took a shot in the arm off the break and carried on playin. the ref came in to check him and he put his shot arm into the bunker to hide the shot, the ref moved away and steve switched sides and thus showed the shot. the ref came back in and pulled steve and 141'd another player for his playing on. best play of the day i saw was northern exposure ripping us a new bum hole on field 2.
Now that would have been worth seeingOn a different note how about your own player doing a 2 footed sliding tackle which has to be hurdled so as not to break your leg then nearly shooting you as he goes underneath colecting the flag on the way just so he can get the flag before youi wonder who that happened too
cheers jamie
i hung my pants on washing line in rain and washed em off with a pump up sprayer, then chucked em in washer... came up to wash uttoxeter from your kit
throw everything on to a non mud surface outside, prefeably sloped
step 2
jet wash
step 3
washing machine