Guys this is the best thing i have ever seen on the tinternets on a wednesday in october after 9pm. Incidentally it was on a google search for "random big words"
The cornerstone of good persuasive arguing is stubbornness. You must never, under any circumstances, concede that your opponent might ever possibly be right. Openmindedness has led to the downfall of many great debaters. If you find yourself doubting the correctness of your position, don't let it show. Repeat to yourself, "I am right. I am right." If you can't convince yourself that you're right, you'll never convince others that they're wrong. Here is an example of the use of stubbornness in a debate:
You: "The moon is made of cheese."
Opponent: "Umm. It's a proven fact that the moon is NOT made of cheese."
You: "The moon is made of cheese."
Opponent: "Ok, look, I have a piece of moon ROCK at my house. It is not made of cheese. It is made of ROCK."
You: "The moon is made of cheese."
Opponent: "No, it isn't. We've sent ships to the moon. People landed on it. They looked at it. They said it was made of ROCK. They brought back ROCK. It is made out of ROCK."
You: "The moon is made of cheese."