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Rental vs private markers


Lord of the Ringtones
I think the reason they're told that is that they should be encouraged to try different types of markers to see which one fits them best. Hell no, they're not all created equal by any standard, but what the point is that is being gotten at, in my experience, is that there is a marker out there, not always the same one, to fit anyone so that when they find that fit they'll be able to play to the best of their ability. There are learning markers, some cheap and some pricey, that teach how to take care of one and get one into the tech side of things. A Shocker is a great example, one that worked for me, because I constantly had to take it apart, clean, and grease it and be familiar with how it worked. This is a VERY good thing. It makes for players that insist upon knowing their marker, which in my opinion all should. Then there are trigger markers, various varieties of Cockers, Angels, etc, that show you what a trigger can feel like and give ideas as to what the user can look for to get the best performance.

Learn, learn, and learn some more! This is what drives the master paintballer.


Old School, New Tricks
simple solution

Last time I used a renter I borrowed the field's squeegie and cleaned out the barrel. Helped immensely. Then I cleared the feed tube of the water-soaked paintball that had swelled up blockign hte feed neck.

In all reality, renters shoot fine if you take 3 minuted to do a few things. Check the tube, the hopper, and then take 3 test shots to see if it cycles.



"The Real Apoc"
Oct 13, 2001
Royston, Herts.
errrrrmmmmmmm site guns, once I was rec ballin and in one 10 minute game I must have had to change markers bout 5 or 6 times, jeez I was annoying the marshalls but the things must have been neglected as fu**!!, never been rec ballin since! Anyways sup air rules, I aint ever going back to the woods if I can help it :D


Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York
its not just the feild owners

its not just the feild owners that ****s up the guns its the renters as well. on the feild i play at they use tipman 98s and some sort of phirahina verticles but wheren ever i see them they have a little but of paint residue on them and the gogles got dryed on paint residue but what im saying is in the indoor feidl there are alot of paintballs thatr bounse and are all over the ground, the refs tell u not to but alot of the renters pick up paintballs behind the bunkers and shoot them, yes that right they do that!! im not sure wether or not the site i play at oiles ther guns frequently but alof of weird stuff happenes there. like for 1 there was a think a 8 or 9 year old playing and the age was like 10 to play? they let it slide. but as to hoe tehre paintbarks on the ceilings and high ends of the walls well thats a bad thing. this has nothing to do with the uns them selfs but thats what goeso n there lol. but also what happens is that the newbie renters will go so trigger happy they will chop many balls and gunk up there guns or will attempt to slide some where are for get that the c02 tank can explode. i was on a random picked team and the kid was like im gunna run and slide over there and my gun might hit the floor and the tank but itll be ok... in my head i was like move to the other side of the team and stay away from him. it was scary seeing a kid not know that ur tanks could explode!:(


Fat *******
Jul 9, 2001
I think the problem is not the site markers. At the last training session I attended, I had to use a site marker, a ****ty banged up tippman. Ofcourse I didn't have the range, not by far (and for a back player, that's baaaaaddddd) but I did manage to hit Roy, one of my team mates. Sure they were bouncers, but I hit him!:D
Now if I had shot high stainig paint like Blaze or Inferno, I would have had 'im. So basically my point is gone now, but at least I told a nice cute little story......I'll go to bed now.....:rolleyes:


New Member
Aug 14, 2001
it's not the marker it's the skill of the player. But i do see the original point made. scientifically all guns should shoot the same if they have the same barrel length's and stuff. the point has already been made, own gunners like to rub there weapons and admire the barrel lengths ;) :p site guns usually get a lot of wear and tear and also usually run on co2 which also affects the performance coz of spikes in pressure and that.


Lord of the Ringtones
Scientifically they should shoot the same, if they were all the same design, regs the same, air channel shapes and dimensions, spring balances (or dwell and other settings) ideally ratioed for pressure-volume they're dealing with, etc, etc. There is so much that is variable among paintguns that doesn't make them shoot the same it's almost silly, then soon thereafter you get into balance and pointability, weight and weight distribution fitting the size, position, and playing style of the shooter, and model and year of production to see if you have the average, best, or worst of that gun, then on into seeming infinity of technical issues, some of which are debatable and some just simple black and white fact that some know, some don't, and others ignore to make a point.

In short it's far from simple. That's one thing about it that makes it so much fun.


New Member

Ok I still can't get my ass to work so I'll write my crap one more time...
Greek Sup'air field site. 7 months ago. Rookies playin'with Sheridan XTS's between them and against our team sometimes(when THEY asked for it of course). 1-2 players lost at 5-6 or even more games(no games lost) and many rookies saying **** like"The moment I realised that you were the one with the boomstick,I knew I was doomed..." and generally complaining about the accuracy of their markers.
2-3 months the same field owner bought Piranha STS's. Again rookies losin'all games against us hardly makin'any kills.No complains and many times inside the field believin'(and for sure)being very close to kills.
I guess the way they judge things is when rookies compete against rookies.But when they tryied us they were much more aggressive when they trusted their markers.
99% didnt know **** about paintball brands and names of the markers...
P.S. We rarely play against rookies-and when we do we're not hard on'em,don't assume we inflate our ego by these means!!!


New Member
Mar 20, 2002
southern california
Visit site
I'll admit, I've never played with a rental gun. Heck, I've never played on an actual field. My friends and I have enough open hills near us that we go out there and play. (No, we aren't some fruitcakes running around in the hills playing w/ no rules, we just use the area that's available to us) What I do know however, is that I prefer to have my own gun. The simple reason for that is I know what happens to MY gun. I know what to expect performance wise from it, and I know what might go wrong with it. With a rental, it is left up to the field as to the final condition of the gun. Not all fields are created equal:D