Info for cpps refs clinic
CPPS Ref Clinic/training
The next date for training will be the 29th of May.
There will be 6 places in the morning and the same in the afternoon.
As you will all surely know tournaments can't be run without refs, the CPPS is looking to expand our core of refs.
Anyone interested please contact either Matt Dunk or Ainsley Baddeley.
Preferably you won't play on a team that is committed to playing in a Sunday division of CPPS.
Best bet is to contact either of them via fb, follow the link to matts post on fb to make it easy.
CPPS Ref Clinic/training
The next date for training will be the 29th of May.
There will be 6 places in the morning and the same in the afternoon.
As you will all surely know tournaments can't be run without refs, the CPPS is looking to expand our core of refs.
Anyone interested please contact either Matt Dunk or Ainsley Baddeley.
Preferably you won't play on a team that is committed to playing in a Sunday division of CPPS.
Best bet is to contact either of them via fb, follow the link to matts post on fb to make it easy.