what team were you playing on red`s or sliver`s , plauss what marker were you using, no one else had any problems as far as i know. how bad was the chopping?i used spank last time got it for £25 a box and still got 1 box left its goods stuff never have a problem with it and for £25 you cant got wrong
what mode was your ion in, ramp or just semi , because i had a ion xe aswell and i found that it didnt like some paint and it would chopp and i could never under stand why. but it was ok if i was in semi.i was playing on the reds had a ion xe with stock barrell i was whering a yellow smartparts top with red vents mask. i didnt buy the paint from rednal i brought my own with me
sorry i cant think of anything else, was it just constantly chopping like a blender.mines only got semi mode it dont have ramp but didnt wont ramp rather try shoot fast with skill and nar didnt help out the other lad
me personaly i like ramp it shoots straight and i never had any chops or barrel brakes, and it worked well with my ion so i have allways asked for it when they had it in stock. i think the rain allso had something to do with throwing the paint around because i had my paint go every where in the rainit wasnt chopping like mad but still was quite bad but most problem was the dimples in the balls made them go hear there and everywher. think next time in just guna see if someone wonts to be the other box for £20 and see if i can get my hads on some more spank or get some ramp from rednal