Well, since this is the brain box, I'd hazard a guess and say that some of you may actually have picked up a book at some point in your lives.
I'd like to know which books (preferably non-fiction) you guys recommend to the rest of us and why.
Right now I'm reading Bill Bryson's "A Short History Of Nearly Everything". It's a fun book that has a witty way of explaining the history of Earth and all that's on it.
I'll post (a lot) more later, but I'd like to hear your recommendations too.
If you're up for some fairly adult fantasyish stuff, then the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks (Assassins and magic). I chomped through the whole series within a few days, couldn't put it down. The books show a very harsh environment, couldn't pin point why I like it beyond the fact it's AWESOME.
For comedy/fantasy, most of the books by Terry Pratchet, particularly those about the Night Guard, e.g. Guards! Guards! and Men at Arms. Very funny, but there's a subtle something to them.
Adult Sci-Fi, go for Death's Head by David Gunn. Not for younger readers, full of mindless violence and other unpleasantries, this is
not an intellectual's book.

I was gripped by how coarse it was to be honest.
Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy. Chunky book, have patience while reading, never got to finish it.

Very in depth storyline.
For a little fiction, Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf's autobiography, really enjoyed that one, he's had a fascinating life.
Although they're sort of children's books, the Artemis Fowl series by Eoien Colfer, and the Edge Chronicles by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddle.