Re Delta Force
Ok, after reading 4 pages i can see only a few points i really need to answer:
Nizzie: DF hours vary from site to site depending on how fast/hard the marshals work when clearing up. I have worked as a marshal at 9 DF centres and i think the latest i have ever left is 6-6.30. There are instances where centres haven't finished until 8.30 and this would be where an evening game is booked in the summer, but they wouldn't be starting at 7.30am. Generally games are over by 3.30-4 and it shouldn't take more than 2 hrs to clear up.
Scottya - DF used to clean guns with water about 6 years ago when we used Tippmanns, but we've never had HP air on site to dry them with. Since we switched over to Infernos about 5 yrs ago we have never cleaned them with water. The Infernos aren't fully stripped on a game day, the bolts are removed and squeegied through, ie field-stripped. That's all the Inferno needs really, it's a real workhorse and a very well made gun.
This last comment illustrates how Delta Force have moved on from the past, whereas the old old rumours haven't. Generally it's better to base one's own opinions on experience rather than heresay or you can unwittingly become part of the rumour-mill. If anyone wants to form their own opinions, PM me for some free tickets, but expect to find a well run rental site and to pay £5/£6 per 100 balls, not somewhere you can buy a box for £25 and rip it up on sup'air with your tricked out new Angel
Silverbike- Yes, minor site maintenance is done by managers and their marshals on non-game days, midweek. This is stuff like making sure barricades are intact and removing fallen branches etc. In addition, every site has a monthly inspection (at least) by the regional managers and the centre manager is told what needs to be done. Major maintenance, ie renewing structures, repairing roads, WC's etc is done by the DF maintenance team who work full time maintaining and building centres.
Re DF not allowing own air systems on rental days yet allowing them for our staff scenario game this is not double standards: The scenario air was provided by a paintball HP air company and the decision re players own bottles was down to the air guys to say yay or nay to.
The reason for not allowing air on a rental day is simple: We couldn't guarantee to have a member of staff experienced enough in the test periods/ design specs on all the air cylinders out there, present at every centre on every game day, so for safety we say no. DF is run mainly for the rental market. Once players get their own kit they generally play dedicated walk on days, tourney etc where paint prices are proportionately cheaper because there aren't the overheads that rental days/sites have.
BW Demon - You may have misunderstood what i said at the scenario, DF ARE going to be using air in 2007 but this won't be at all sites all at once. We are going to trial it at one centre, which won't be BW, in 2007 and then tweak it until we have the best system for our needs. Other centres will then go over to air, but we don't have a timetable for this yet and it won't be decided until after the initial test perod is over. The oldest Co2 bottle in DF is only 3 years old and all are pi standard bottles, so we are in no rush to replace our Co2 cylinders.
Incidentally, BW was chosen for the scenario because it's mid way from our furthest apart centres and easy to get to from most locations due to the motorway network. Having said that, I had a good day tho, and i do like BW

And yes, the Southern Faries WON, but this wasn't helped by a BW player who took their own (Northern) base flag into basecamp instead of leaving it in the Northern base for a 500 point bonus each time the flag judge did his rounds !!!