We have got a few of them that have been sent over to us and I will say this much, one of the reasons we did OK last year was that a lot of the guys on the team managed to get their fingers out their ass midweek, put their beers down, put their teddy-bears away (Bowen), unplug themselves from the TV and practice in their own gardens.
This way, our training snap shots were kept 'on edge' throughout the weeks leading up to a tournament.
It's all well and good practicing at weekends only to see the technique being practiced degrade because you can't practice it at home.
If you watch Jamie Abbott's snap, he didn't get that by luck, he got it because he worked his ass off as did a lot of the other guys on the team and believe it or not, the majority of this work was carried out at home or down Campiagn midweek.
We did all this with real paint but the Reball is gonna cut that cost down for any aspiring baller.
We will be using Reball extensively this year as part of an ongoing training programme we gotta get our heads into.
The Reball makes it a lot easier for a lot of people for obvious reasons to practice at home or down their local site if it's set up correctly.
Now before anyone says, 'Pete, well you would say that, your team is frikkin sponsored by them'
Very true, but ask yourself this, we have got more than enough paint for both teams for the year ahead, why on earth would I even consider letting anybody use Nexus to endorse their products if we had no real use for them because we only get the ReBall, there is no cash attachemnt to this deal whatsoever.