Good Grief!!!
Guys, give TJ a break already...he's way too busy to spend his time credibilizing (is that a word) himself to you when he's already been deemed credible a million times over!
Have any of you seen this month's PGI??? I was flipping through it today and noticed a letter sent in from a young man who apparently calls SC Village home, who finally put two and two together and who now calls TJ a friend (seems as though TJ's been giving the kid some pointers on his game, by the sound of it).
As I've said countless times, I had the experience of watching TJ play a few years ago and he was busting crazy game breaking moves every second! It was unreal!!!
He's the real deal. As for the Adrenalin Impulses, it didn't take much prodding on my part to get James to make this happen...he's seen TJ play too. But TJ, ole' bud, remember NO PICS until we give you the go-ahead...we rushed yours for you-know-why but we need to keep the finished product under wraps for you-know-why until we can you-know-what.
Lotsa love, el studente...
~Justin~ do you like that trigger I set up for ya'??? Took me a while to figure out how to do it but your tips helped and I think it rocks!!!