M16A4 with grenade launcher
PP2000 with extra mags
Scavenger pro
Danger Close pro
Commando pro
Intervention with thermal sight
PP2000 with extra mags or silencer
Scavenger pro
Stopping Power pro
Ninja pro
Sometimes I switch stopping power for Cold Blooded, but I can't get used to shooting people twice

I'm inbetween classes right now, I'm working out some new ones to suit me a bit better.
If anyone wants a game, XBL gamertag: Bambulus
PP2000 with extra mags
Scavenger pro
Danger Close pro
Commando pro
Intervention with thermal sight
PP2000 with extra mags or silencer
Scavenger pro
Stopping Power pro
Ninja pro
Sometimes I switch stopping power for Cold Blooded, but I can't get used to shooting people twice
I'm inbetween classes right now, I'm working out some new ones to suit me a bit better.
If anyone wants a game, XBL gamertag: Bambulus