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R7 Replay or GoPro Silver


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
i have a go pro black. and i can honestly say the go pro silver specs are thetoo simularto a
hero 2. so its not worth paying the money for one. the r7 is a nice shape for paintball compared to the go pro too.

my main reason for choosing the go pro was the fact i do a lot of different sports, wil also take it snorkling and diving. if you intend to use it for diff sports then the endless attachments and strong waterproof case will help. if just for p ball go for the r7.

with the options the go pros give you (pro tune for example) its a real video editors dream. i am still learni but it helps to be good at video editing software for this cam.

verdict: if you can push to get a black instead do it..as it comes with more accesseries and better specs.no point going for a sliver even it is slighty smaller then a hero2 its not worth the extra money. soo a hero 3 black or r7 it is :) hope that helps.

I'd argue that some of the accessories with the black are redundant if you have a smart phone eg the wifi remote. If you're into your editing and that, great go for the highest spec you can but I find the silver more than adequate for the average user. I'll post up one or two of my youtube links later from the quadcopter.


Active Member
Feb 14, 2012
you can get a waterproof case for the R7 now and another mount for sticking to things.

remember, Greg is an ex-navy diver so still does a lot of diving.

youtube vid


Naked fun time
Oct 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
I use a go pro filiming stuff underwater, . . only had it down to 50m below though.

They are too cumbersome to put on markers, you can put it on your forhead, but really, the r7 is just made for balling gun cam. THe mounts are unparalleled.

see . .



Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Essex, UK


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2008
If i get one i will be using it for more then just paintball

Ive read alot of reviews about the black freezing aswell

But with the Iphone App i dont see much difference between the 2

That mount is good and will certainly make a tighter fit


Ricki diego - Evil Twin
Jul 29, 2012
yup you can use the app but it drains the battery so fast its pointless. go pro has an update to sort the crashing. but truth be told...it does happen everyonce in a while. not often to get annoyed about it tho. happens on both the silver and black.

if your going to use it for more then just paintball then def go for a go pro :D


Naked fun time
Oct 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
Was the firmware and a known problem. Few updates and seems to have been mostly sorted.

My diving buddy has a gp3 black and it seems to be better now after many many months of frozeness. Ive a gp2 but no issues, its been around long enough to have bugs sorted.

Gp3 is proper tiny. You dont realise until you hold one.

btw the r7 720 model is even smaller than the 1080 and costs less. If its for youtube vids, 720 is all you need.