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Questions about starting a team...


Well-Known Member
Damn, Emerson, that's a lot o' questions for one thread.

The Road to Aruba tourneys would be great for you guys, it's three-man, and you'll be playin' the local tourney guys. You may have a couple come from a bit of a distance, but you'll not be playing pro's or anything. As far as Seraph's advice of grabbing good players instead of pals, that's later, grab the fella's you can, and get a little experience, you'll be cutting your pals soon enough though. Back before Avalanche was Avalanche, a good freind of mine was told by Ed Poorman,"There are no friends in paintball. If you really want to win, grab the best players you can find." That story was for you too Seraph.;)
Anyway Emerson, my point is just have fun while you can, you'll be hating the politics soon enough.

Yes, you can smash people with your Spyder. My team went to a tourney without me about five years ago and met up with a team called, "Five Neat Guys," in prelims. FNG's were all outfitted with Spyders, and cammies, well they crushed my guys, cut right through 'em. They were comfortable with their equipment, and had a good attitude. My team is most definitely not a pushover team either, granted, I wasn't there.;) Don't worry, Bud, you just got to get out there, you'll quickly find just how close you are to a lot of these guy's skill level.

Some people can be trained, and some just suck, give your guys a chance though. If they've only played a couple times, they surely could use some more experience.

Extra tip, go get a cheap compressed air system so you'll avoid hot gun penalties. I'm positive I'm not the only one on this forum to have missed finals because of stupid hot gun penalties.

I'm going to bed, hope all the crap I just put down helped in some way. I tried to avoid rambling, it's very difficult for me. Good night kids!


Matt(sweatz) - Ex Swat uk
Jul 9, 2001
Up North, England
Soz Dude

Soz Emerson, I didnt check where u were from, my bad, i should have.
Anyway, whats wrong with flying out here every month for a series 2002 event?:)

Still, good luck and all.
Sweatz - DamDangerous


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Your Buddies

The best way to decide who is good for your team and who isn't is to weed out the ones who don't want to to learn. If you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, create a B-team and let them play on that. That way they are still playing under your team name just not at the same level. Manning is right in saying there are no friends in serious paintball. Decide who is best for your team and tell the others to move on or drop down. :D


no longer a newbie
Nov 10, 2001
Indiana, USA
Yeah, thanks for your help guys.

The reason I thought Road 2 Aruba would be good is because we could use my brother as a third man. He sucks right now, but, because he's my brother and has my genes in him, he can be taught. Even though he's only played once and got really lit up every game I'm pretty sure I can teach him.

I think I'm gonna do like you said, if they are willing to learn and improve (be serious about it) then keep 'em, otherwise I'll dump 'em.


lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
Visit site
Anybody can learn to be good at this sport.....just keep tight to your bunker ,move when needed,back your front players up,talk to each other all the time,and learn how your other players move...this means practice alot!!

OK off with the schoolteachers hat........

i just watched damn dangerous take down Shockwave the other weekend...an Am team took down a pro' team.....using all those things..was great to watch!! plenty of dummy spitting!!

Sweatz you gonna be at the presentation on Sat??..if so looking forward to seeing you and Ian..



Well-Known Member
Sorry to get in the way, Mador.

Emerson, I wanted to add this, I think the most important thing a team needs is trust. If your guys don't get along off the field, they're not going to trust each other on it. That then leads to finger-pointing, then cliques develop, and if you don't stop it, your team will begin to splinter. Before you know it you're left with the dick-head that you put on the roster only because he's good. I believe in team chemistry over having the best players. All your guys don't have to kiss and hold hands, but they must respect each other. There's plenty more crap I can put in here, but you'll find out on your own, and isn't that the fun?;)
Like I said in another thread I never played rec ball The ex with dubious sense of humor told me it would be fun so I palyed my first game in an am woodland tourney with small very Biased feild although little did I know at the time;)

To start with I was always shooting a borrowed gun some thing always went wrong and inevitably I shomped off to the van and retrived a site spyder bog standard. At least here was some thing I knew how to cronie for my self could feild strip and actually shot paintballs. Mew lamenting the prefect bunker said brorrowed gun died no me so The bloke realsing I could do nothing lit me up all across the Chest (PCP version) this was when I found out just how good T Shirt Bras are they all just bounced off so after 6 or so shots he changed tactis and shot me in the legs instead. It was all very quick and only the second time I had played also litterally 3 feet away. Not suprisingly all the marshalls offered to make sure I was ok and rub things better sorry lads didn't feel a thing was just completely pissed with the gun.

Any way to start off with you can have a lot of fun with what you've got now like most paintballers build on it meet pepole get offered stuff. You will get teams asking you to play if your good and some times even if your not.

My advise enjoy it and play with a commited team that can afford it if they don;t show up or can;t afford to do it. It really don't matter how good they are.

Just rember any one can shoot pepole out with a nice gun but to get shot out by some thing bog standard or worse....hee you get my drift.

I always shot some one out and no season ticket to the dead zone either.

have fun getting were you want to:)


lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
Visit site
Manning you ain't ever gonna step on my toes...I'll just bow out of the way..

Am just a beginner at tourney's at today's level...i used to play with a pump....eek!:eek:

You're definately right about the trust thing tho'



no longer a newbie
Nov 10, 2001
Indiana, USA
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks again for all the help. We'll probably do the first tournament next summer. Prolly gonna be a Road to Aruba feeder, just for the experience. Also, plan on doing some of the big games they have at our local field...

I think we will also do a Mackz Extreme Sportz Legends tourny cuz they have two of them at our field next year.