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Questions about starting a team...


no longer a newbie
Nov 10, 2001
Indiana, USA
I plan on starting a team. Well, actually not any time soon but once I feel I'm ready. I just have a couple quick questions...

How long has the average player your team been playing?

How many tournaments do you usually go to in a year?

Did you finish higher then last place in the first tournament you went to?

How much experience (minimum) would you tell me I would need before entering a tournament?

Who is your daddy?

Thanks for your help.


lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
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Hmm .....difficult question to answer......are you ready is all I'll say.

Have you played tourney level yet??

I played years ago with a pump marker and am now playing with a cocker......huge difference between the site marker and my own..

But it is all down to the individual player as to whether they are ready to take on the players in tournament leagues...be ready for a few defeats before you get too cocky.

I have been lit up by the pro's and it hurts but walked off the field feeling good 'cos we lit some of them up.

As to entering a tourney.....go for it......just start at the bottom.....the only way is up!!

You'll be welcomed by the commuinty....we are happy to play anyone!!

Don't worry about it...respect enough for having the b*lls to play the game



Jul 10, 2001
Bossier City, Louisiana
Just do it!!!! I played for 6 years and still didnt feel ready for tournies. I realized its always a learning experience! Like emerson said, start low. Youd be surprised how many other people are as new to tournies as you.


New Member
Nov 11, 2001
Indiana, USA
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I play with Emerson all the time. And we haven't played tourney level yet. We plan on going to the Road 2 Aruba at if we are good enough by then. LOL. I'm sure we will be. We would like to have a minimum of 5 players. But for the Road 2 Aruba, we will only need 3 players. :)


Matt(sweatz) - Ex Swat uk
Jul 9, 2001
Up North, England
Yo Emerson

Yo M8.

If you wanna get into the tourney scene, go check out Steve Bulls website. He runs one of the best tournament series in the U.K, and its a tourney a month so by the end of the season you should be up here with the big boys:)

Check his site out @ www.series2001.co.uk.

good Luck with the team,
Sweatz - DamDangerous


no longer a newbie
Nov 10, 2001
Indiana, USA
Heh...actually I haven't even played too many times. I'm improving rapidly each time I play. I'm a quick learner and have picked up so many things that my peers never even thought about. Common sense of strategy go a long way in paintball...

I don't know about Road 2 Aruba...I'm sure it's gonna be a couple tournaments of getting completey lit up every single game before we REALLY start to make a move. I'm not expecting to do well in our first tournament, I just want to learn from the experience.

I guess I'll start next summer. That way I'll have almost a full year of playing under my belt.

One more question: I have a Spyder Compact 2000 right now, with an excellent aftermarket barrel, a 12v Revolution hopper and I'm getting an upgrade kit with drop-forward, regulator and all sorts of other goodies. Will this make a big difference? Am I really gonna get lit up by my opponent who has a cocker? I know that skill will always defeat the person with the better equipment, but, is this s BIG disadvantage or a small one? :confused:


no longer a newbie
Nov 10, 2001
Indiana, USA
Does anybody know of any amateur tournament series in the US? Preferably one where the competition isn't pro-level? That site that supair showed me looked good, but it's in the UK, and I'm in the US.

Thanks for the help.


no longer a newbie
Nov 10, 2001
Indiana, USA
OGG! I keep leaving something out!

Their are two players that Brian and I play with all the that are our good friends, however, they have both played three times as much as we have and we always kick their asses. They both tend to stay in the back and shoot all the time. When the discussion came up about starting a team in the future they both wanted to join. Now, they are my friends and I would love to have the experience with them, but, they suck. My question is: Can they be taught?


New Member
Nov 11, 2001
Indiana, USA
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Hey Emerson, we could teach them. That wouldn't be too hard. At least I don't think so. They do seem kind of on the lazzy side, but if they wanted to be on the team, I am pretty sure they would practice and get into shape. :D