Or even theological???
Take the paradox: "there's no athiests in foxholes", implies we suddenly get belief. If so, we'd be quite happy to actually die and go off to paradise (whether it be the one with the fluffy white clouds or 72 virgins). However when Jerry, VC or whomever you're facing suddenly come over the lip, you'll probably fight tooth and nail and stick a bayonet in the c nut to stay alive.
You could, with that line of thinking, equally say, 'there are no Christians in foxholes' for the self-same reasons in that it suggests people elevate salvation for the body over that of the soul ......
This maybe because the notion of a soul capable of redemption is somewhat speculative whereas some yellow ass VC coming over the lip wanting to stick a 3 foot bayonet up yer ass is a little more believable shall we say ....and of course, in that belief, a need to be dealt with ... that is of course, the weight of crap in your underpants hasn't inertia'd your lily white ass to the floor.