Baca, something that has never changed is the question of whether they (or any Euro team) can maintain their best game throughout the tournament because that is what is required to place (no different to any team with pretensions to win).For what it's worth Matski I'll throw my two pence in. (You still have pence, don't you?) I have no doubt they can compete. Two things will likely determine how well. The layout and their ability to make adjustments during a match. On a player to player basis I think the best Euro teams have been close for a while now. It will be interesting to see.
In the past many Euro team's best game was good enough to beat anyone on their day, what was lacking was consistency of performance. That consistency has been the trade mark of many of the best American teams over the years, we have just got to tap into that somehow.
What I know of Nexus these days is that they are certainly levelling out the peaks and troughs of their performance levels and its starting to show in their results. A young (yet very experienced) athletic team (Leigh aside) that have a settled roster counts massively in their favour too.
If they can maintain their concentration and levels of play then silverware? Why not.