Player perception comes in here as well. A slight increase in entrance prices you will get away with but if you jack the cost enough to put some teams off entering, the ones that do pay the extra and enter are going to expect something extra in return or you are going to get complaints... lot's of them.
Partly wrong... I would be quite 'willing' to pay £158,000 for a new Aston Martin Vanquish however I don't have it so I am not 'able' to pay. With the price of markers, paint, protection, travel, accomodation, f*cking millenium cards, etc, the real definition of 'able' is going to become a much more valid factor than any amount of 'willing'.Originally posted by raehl
"Willing" to pay is MUCH more important than ABLE to pay. Anyone who isn't able also is not willing. There are plenty of people able to pay who will not.
Completely agree with playing across divisions... daft idea. I think if your going split the play the way you suggest then all levels have to play on Sunday, for example, or your going to end up with empty stands come Sunday Morning. How many players, for example, given that they have just been fleeced compared with what they paid last year, are going to spend another nights cash staying over to watch the Pro's play the next day?When I say one day event, in that case, I mean just play pros. Rookie->Amateur Fri->Sat (or maybe still friday to sunday) and Pros on Sunday only. I really think the NPPL/PSP way of having people play across divisions to see who makes semis is silly.
Player perception comes in here as well. A slight increase in entrance prices you will get away with but if you jack the cost enough to put some teams off entering, the ones that do pay the extra and enter are going to expect something extra in return or you are going to get complaints... lot's of them.
I'm still unconvinced regarding the validity of X-Ball as any more spectator-friendly than what we have now. It will very much depend on how it plays out and that is down to the tactics that get developed, which is directly down to the mindset of the players. We'll have to wait and see if anything new develops from X-Ball.I agree on format. Centerflag isn't going to work. XBall is an improvement, although I think the USPL format was better than that. (Too bad the USPL plan to deliver that format stunk.)