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pump or semi?


New Member
Mar 20, 2002
southern california
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Maybe a small one manning. I just meant to go off my own experience. I played w/ a brass eagle talon untill the people I played with went to semi's. Then I needed to move up to stay competitive with them. Besides, for some of us newbies a good point needs to be made 2 or 3 times before we get it.:p


New Member
Apr 12, 2002
Aberdeen, Scotland
Semi, but be aware of the consequences :)

I started playing at my local site using their field guns - all pumps. They were good enough and certainly did the job. The one downside with them is that the act of cocking the gun messes up any aim you have so you tend to miss more at range.

The site got a couple of semis and I got my hands on one for a couple of games. The range seemed to be better (this would be down to the setup as opposed to the mechanism) and you get to keep your aim better, letting you lead your shots onto a target and get a more precise aim (within the limits of the paint)
However, it is a lot easier to fire a semi than it is a pump, so you go through more ammo.

I bought myself a c98 at the end of last year and took it onto the field a month or so ago. I played the entire day with a semi and it makes a noticeable difference to your ammunition expenditure! I did about 800 paintballs through the day (I did 200 in 1 minute at one point!.) This can make it expensive!
Full Auto Baby Got to go with the Penguin Gun friends got this one of a kind puppy he will make it for you for one 3 cent american piece. Here i will tell u about it, it has 14 barrels all are 24 inches, unlimited paintballs, and same with penguin air which is better than angel air because it is from a glacier from antartica. The hopper batteries never run out, there is no trigger it just spots and shoots, cool. It is lighter than air. It also shoots 250 bps. Get it or be got.


New Member
Apr 6, 2002
i think your shoud get a semi auto. the times r changin and the # of pump player are going down. a semi will shoot faster often making the game more ezciting know that if you miss you (and your oponat)dont satand 5 feet a way from each other trying to pump the gun up. it is sposto be paint ball!!! not who can pump their gun faster. the only thing pumps are good for are working on your aim.


Team Zero In


New Member
I see you guys are talking about pumps ... and since Tyger hasn't gotten in on this yet, I will.

Get a Blow-back Spyder clone (or spyder, or similar) play with it for a year (no need for nitro or anything, but I'd get a reg. Not to be confused with an expansion chamber. This will give you consistency and keep you from shooting hot, even with co2). After a year or so of playing with that setup, then get a pump. That will help your aim and your budget. Then, after a year of playing mostly pump, and a bit with the semi, you could upgrade to a super high end tourney marker that shoots 8million bps and will tell you the temperature, or something like that ...

Manning, was my grammar and spelling up to your high standards?



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Micah
Manning, was my grammar and spelling up to your high standards?

LOL, Micah, I hope you know the only reason I said anything was because you yourself were correcting someone else. I'm not a freak over spelling, it's not a reliable reflection of intelligence, and I don't care if everything in a post is misspelled, as long as the message is getting through. Like you, I wish some members' posts were a bit easier to follow, but when I read your post, it seemed condescending. That's why I posted. Have you ever seen me correct anyone on their grammar or spelling?


New Member
Originally posted by Manning26

LOL, Micah, I hope you know the only reason I said anything was because you yourself were correcting someone else. I'm not a freak over spelling, it's not a reliable reflection of intelligence, and I don't care if everything in a post is misspelled, as long as the message is getting through. Like you, I wish some members' posts were a bit easier to follow, but when I read your post, it seemed condescending. That's why I posted. Have you ever seen me correct anyone on their grammar or spelling?
Yeah but I've gone back over most of my old post I could find, and I found that aside from the occasional colloquialism or the *ahem* more then often type-o, my English has been pretty good. That is to say I'm pretty well spoken ... for a paintballer anyway.

I think i have my little hissy-fit out of my system. No hard feelings.
