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Pull down html menus 101

Originally posted by cockersrule
TL, u playing this M25 leg, i notced sinners were:D
Not to my knowledge, I don't think that we are sending a team down south anymore, well not until we get some decent opponents down there [only kidding southerners]. Both teams are preparing for campaign with the nexus training weekend the week after and the Joymasters team jetting off three days after that. [Stockholm here I come:D ] Then its back into training for the big one down at campaign [as well as marshalling a s2k3 event]
I think the team name is on the list because we have a rolling deposit and thus I shall get in touch with the bloke who does all the booking to find out if there is a team down there and if not to get him cancel it.

Sorry to burst ya bubble m8ty but your not going to see the jet-set playing.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Nice bit of code Tortise :) appreciate it.... now trying to work out how I change the colour of the text in the drop down and make it so they are urls as well... :)

May 14, 2003
Originally posted by T.B.F.K.A.T.L.
Yep its just another tiny bit of coding but I shall not bother as your not worthey of my attention, heathens;) :D
Im worthy ... probably,

How do you do it - im trying to get a link to the combat zone site in mine.... cant seem to do it, messed about with putting a hyperlink in it but didnt work... If you could tell me - would be a great help,