The insurance cover provided by sites, is against their negligence, for example if a marshal was to advise you to jump off of a structure, and you hurt yourself doing so, that would be likely that the site would be held negligent.
The cover the UKPSF has arranged, has amongst other things, cover for your own negligence, lets say you shot someone at real close range and injure them, then you will have third party liability cover from the UKPSF policy.
please don't take my comments as law, it is just my understanding, of a very often misunderstood subject.
The cover the UKPSF has arranged, has amongst other things, cover for your own negligence, lets say you shot someone at real close range and injure them, then you will have third party liability cover from the UKPSF policy.
please don't take my comments as law, it is just my understanding, of a very often misunderstood subject.