Edit - don't browse down to the photo if you're of a sensitive nature!!!!
Bruising is the main 'injury' - because we're shootings balls at each other
Severe welts are a result of being macho dicks
Other than the deliberate welts, bruising is eased by wearing loose clothing with varying levels of padding.
Necks can be protected with a scarf or padded neck protector (avoid too much around the neck as it will block airflow in the goggles)
Heads can be protected with a headband, headscarf, beanie, backwards baseball cap etc
Next I would put knees - the youth survives bumps and grazes easily, and may disregard knee (and elbow) pads it they aren't a particular diver. Years of play puts toll on your legs & knees
Elbows can suffer from student elbow/plumbers elbow giving a nasty infection. Wear something padded or an elbow pad
Once I've eaten I'll find a photo that was the spitting image of my elbow when it got infected a few years back
Warning - it's not pretty!
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