Originally posted by Russell Smith
Well John if you knew about a major tournament who has run with no insurance untill very recently would you not be very "cynical".
That is very worrying.
Originally posted by Russell Smith
If the site has insurance it will also have membership of the UKPSF and as such has my full blessing.
That is not strictly true as wee-man has said. Perkins-Slade insurance is very expensive (that is what we had, through UKPSF) if they have found cheaper coverage then good luck to them.
Originally posted by Russell Smith
As for a attack on a rival - I don't have any I do not run any events at all and just like a lot of other people get paid a wage for service's rendered.
And if you think asking if a site has insurance is being bad for the sport
Don't be silly it's the first question anyone should ask and the owner of the site would agree.
Yes but coming on here and pretty much accusing the organiser of having no insurance is a little different than making an enquiry about their coverage.
Originally posted by Russell Smith
And if you do know any paintball site's who run rental days without insurance should you not tell us who so we can choose where not to play.
One of the two sites I know definately didnt have insurance are now closed, because of land development.
That is two quite local to me, Im sure it is the same across the UK.
I am not going to divulge any companies details as I know how hard it is to make your livelihood from paintball. The insurance issue is killing off the smaller sites, as the bigger sites profits soar.
Anyway we should stop talking about insurance in this thread, Clappy has clarified that ProPaintball DO have insurance and we dont want anyone to get the impression they havent.