That's all cool then - Like I said I ain't heard much about them for a good while.
The thing that's bugging me is how the Pro Tour is now the big new hope for UK paintball. 18 months ago it was the PA. Right now a lot of people are disillusioned with that and griping on about it's short commings and turning their attention to the new saviour. I can't help wondering how long it's gonna be before everybody start bitching about how cr&p this is. Most of the PA criticisms seem to be about the rules, their enforcement and the grey areas inbetween. I hope this Pro Tour is successful cos the standard of teams in the PA is lacking when you compare it to what's going on in the rest of the world. But I can't help feeling that it should be making the effort to be whiter than white from the start and that includes a well defined criteria for the first year's places and a qualification scheme that doesn't apply retrospectively - i.e. How many more teams would have entered Bullys series if they knew could qualify for this? It's a bit naff the way it's been done. In effect several decent teams have been excluded for the next two years.
Like I said I hope it does bevome the premier series, it's what we need over here. I would have jus tliked to have seen it sorted out in the open for all to see rather than appearing out of nowhere in a flash which is how it will have seemed for a lot of people who weren't "in on it".
That's all cool then - Like I said I ain't heard much about them for a good while.
The thing that's bugging me is how the Pro Tour is now the big new hope for UK paintball. 18 months ago it was the PA. Right now a lot of people are disillusioned with that and griping on about it's short commings and turning their attention to the new saviour. I can't help wondering how long it's gonna be before everybody start bitching about how cr&p this is. Most of the PA criticisms seem to be about the rules, their enforcement and the grey areas inbetween. I hope this Pro Tour is successful cos the standard of teams in the PA is lacking when you compare it to what's going on in the rest of the world. But I can't help feeling that it should be making the effort to be whiter than white from the start and that includes a well defined criteria for the first year's places and a qualification scheme that doesn't apply retrospectively - i.e. How many more teams would have entered Bullys series if they knew could qualify for this? It's a bit naff the way it's been done. In effect several decent teams have been excluded for the next two years.
Like I said I hope it does bevome the premier series, it's what we need over here. I would have jus tliked to have seen it sorted out in the open for all to see rather than appearing out of nowhere in a flash which is how it will have seemed for a lot of people who weren't "in on it".