Originally posted by Al Woods
Fortunately, after a long and (uncharacteristic for K2) technical display which went to time we managed to take it on head count then go on to win the final game
Lucky bastads
Good game guys, i had a bit of a mare that game equipment wise, managed to move unseen up the right tape only to break a ball in my hopper, then another one in the hopper, then i broke balls in 3 of my remaining 3 pots, rendering the pant unusable, then the 6 balls i had left in the hopper, all covered in paint refused to feed into the gun because the batteries in the egg died! DISASTER!
Good game though, must have been good to watch! Had fun playing in it!
Massive thanks to Tris for organising the team, and to Mark, Phil, Pebble, Stoney, Skidder and James for an amazing days play. Its weird how its always way more fun, and far easier when there is no pressure on the team to win. We didnt do to bad for a scratch team, i only knew 2 of the guys on the team before the day.
We didnt lose a game all day, despite some questionable calls, and some foolish plays.
And many thanks to the team that we played on the top field, you know who you are in the top right lay down corner coke can. Your blatant cheating only made us more resolved to shoot the crap out of you when you popped up! I couldnt believe what you had done, in front of all those people, i find it funny now, but at the time i wanted to empty my hopper on you! You only cheated yourself!

I must admit i was quite suprised by the marshal telling me as we walked on field that the opposition had a rep as a team that cheated like hell, but i didnt really expect him to be so right. It was a shock!
S2K3 Atmosphere Factory Team