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Possible BPS

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
Originally posted by T.B.F.K.A.T.L.
right time to debunker the myth [no not the user]. Yes you can achieve fast rates of fire with any electro marker when they are set up right.
The set up on angels is different to most others as it counts the time between each fire of the ball. Yes the read out on the lcd display might have read that he hit 24 bps. But this does not mean that he hit a constant stream of 24 bps , it just means that at some point in his stream two balls were fired 0.0416re seconds apart from each other. Now anybody can get insane rates of fire on the A4 and get a high reading on the display, the skill comes in maintaining this speed over long streams.
We have players on our team that can hit 28/29 bps and get streams of paint coming out fo the marker at insane rates due to consistancy. And yes we do have an occasional problem with outshooting the hopper.
finally someone who speaks some sense in the thread.
halos have a burst rate of about 50bps, so in theory (this claim being true) and having an uncapped board, 50bps could be done. so the guy isnt necessarily talking crap


Thug Lovin'
Sep 27, 2002
Visit site
Originally posted by mike from brum
finally someone who speaks some sense in the thread.
halos have a burst rate of about 50bps, so in theory (this claim being true) and having an uncapped board, 50bps could be done. so the guy isnt necessarily talking crap
Ahh, thats not entirly correct, i think what you mean is if the halo could feed at a constant 50bps, then only would your statement be entirely correct. The 'burst' you talk of is only about 10-15 balls long, being fed @50bps. Shooting @ 50 bps, the string wouldn't be longer than about 3/8ths of a second. Which is about how long the marshal next to you would take to pull you and your teammates from the entire tournament/season/owning a paintball gun.:(

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
Originally posted by Selous_scout
Ahh, thats not entirly correct, i think what you mean is if the halo could feed at a constant 50bps, then only would your statement be entirely correct. The 'burst' you talk of is only about 10-15 balls long, being fed @50bps. Shooting @ 50 bps, the string wouldn't be longer than about 3/8ths of a second. Which is about how long the marshal next to you would take to pull you and your teammates from the entire tournament/season/owning a paintball gun.:(
so i am correct then :) you just said it yourself. 50bps isnt going to actually see 50 balls come out the marker per second, the A4 that myth has shot doesnt count the number of shots he has fired in 1 second, its about the shortest time between 2 shots. like turtle man said and I quoted. so if the halo is able to feed at 50bps for however long it is, it is then possible to shoot at 50bps.

but like has been said, can your fingers and marker actually do this?


Aug 19, 2003
I can get 18bps consistently over 10 seconds with paint. Never even heard of anyone achieving anything else without some sort of gun cheat, bounce setting or whatever.

Im sure its possible, but I've never seen it. Taking the fastest time between two shots (which is a false reading IMO) Im sure I could get 24+ bps.

I've seen an RT doing 26bps. The only thing that will feed at that speed is the warp.

When you guys record these "speeds" is this dry firing? Cause thats a whole other ball game and you should try it with.

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
Originally posted by JoseDominguez
I've got a Q-loader and a tricked out ironman timmy............ lets see what the realistic max is :)
Those Q-loaders look interesting but im not quite sure what i think of them yet - such an unconventional idea, well kinda.

Anyway keen to see how they perform, 'll come and watch one of your games at PAL Rd.2. :)


Girlz,Booze & Balling....
Nov 12, 2002
North East, UK
50bps:eek:, I don't fancy potting up every 4 seconds ;)

Really though, anything over 15bps and being able to maintain that should be enough, I guess most people could do very short burst of 20bps+ but then after a few seconds it then drops.