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Pop quiz for Millennium/NPPL judges


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Aug 3, 2001
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Originally posted by Gee
Theres no specified penalty, but a player must carry off field all teh equipment they had on they when they were eliminated. I'd just pick them up and toss them off field. (The pods not the player)
I would say do nothing at first, the player may have dropped them accidentally, you have better trhings to do than chase after them with their kit. If the live player touches the pods, nab him for receiving help from a dead player.


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Reading all this...

Originally posted by raehl
In college ball, you're out when you're hit. Whether you see it, feel it, know about it, or don't know when you're hit, you're out, period.

If you're hit anywhere other than somewhere you could neither see, hear or feel (even if it might have been a nounce, doesn't matter), and you're still playing, that's playing on. That means if you get hit in the back, you can't play until you know you're clean.

Well, to rephrase, you CAN play, but if it broke, you'll get the playing on penalty.

There's two reasons for this. One, even if it's a bounce, the other player hit you - why should you get to keep playing just because you can't tell if it broke or not?

And two, it changes the player motivation from trying to not get checked so they can keep playing to wanting to be checked as soon as possible so they can start playing again.

It's why you'll see players in non-college tournaments just scream "Paint check!" while college players will ask for a paint check and tell you exactly where they think they're hit - they don't have time to waste for the ref to check a buncha spots where they know they arn't hit, whereas in non-college events, you want that ref checking every spot on your body that doesn't have a hit as long as possible.
I like that a lot. It's actually how I conduct myself during a game, except for some bunkering moves where it's a such a close thing you finish it off, before getting checked.



EnHaNcE tHa TrAnCe
Jul 9, 2002
Stockholm, EU
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Originally posted by Cooks
1: punch her in the head and say "Get off mah pitch, bitch"
2: punch her in the head and say "Get off mah pitch, bitch"
3: punch him in the head and say "Get off mah pitch, bitch"
4: punch him in the head and say "Get off mah pitch, bitch"
5: punch him in the head and say "Get off mah pitch, bitch"
6: punch him in the head and say "Get off mah pitch, bitch"
7: punch him in the head and say "Get off mah pitch, bitch"
8: punch him in the head and say "Get off mah pitch, bitch"
9: punch him in the head and say "Get off mah pitch, bitch"
and so on.
Nobody messes with Cook$
Since we 'Mercans don't know what a pitch is:

1. (When indoors) bitch-slap 'er and say "Get off my flo' ho'!"

Expect a call from Richmond for some X-Ball reffing!


New Member
I would say do nothing at first, the player may have dropped them accidentally, you have better trhings to do than chase after them with their kit. If the live player touches the pods, nab him for receiving help from a dead player.

Thats good if all you want is to catch players who break the rules. Personally, I'd rather see people follow the rules. I'd warn the player still in the game if they touch the pods, their eliminated. Then, I'd go to the player who dropped the pods, and give him/her a single warning, if they do it again, pull another player from the game (because you cant prove beyond a doubt it was intentional). I'd also probably dispose of the pods after the game, and if they complain, then you just found them on the ground somewhere.