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PMR or 05 Ego


If in doubt, flat out!
Jul 11, 2006
Wakefield, West Yorks.
Open and closed bolt action has no effect on the paintballs trajectory.

My advice is to go with the PMR because its lighter and will let you shoot more brittle paint without breaks.
well what makes the difference then.

as there is a noticalbe difference in the way a Ego shoots,and a shocker shoots

well what makes the difference then.

as there is a noticalbe difference in the way a Ego shoots,and a shocker shoots

Ah, we're a bit confused I think....
As mentioned earlier in the thread, the shocker is open bolt.
Re-read Lovetones post on open and closed bolts (remembering that a cocker is the only popular closed bolt gun).

There are many reasons why an ego shoots differently to a shocker.

But to generalise:
The Ego, Angel, Timmy, Cyborg, Viking Alien etc are bang valve markers. A poppet valve placed between the air reservoir and the bolt is struck by the hammer when the bolt is forward.

Shockers, Matrixes and Protos, Ions, Quests are all spools.
In a spool valve the bolt is in the air reservoir chamber and it itself acts as the valve to open when the bolt is forward.
In many cases they also seal off the fill to the air reservoir when the bolt is not at rest in order to create a 'fixed volume' per shot.

With the same paint, at 300fps both these systems create the same trajectory. Anthing else that is claimed by paintballers goes against the laws of physics and should be ignored.

But there are differences in noise, recoil, efficiency and concistency due to the traits of each setup.