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PM8 Problem


Active Member
Jan 25, 2005
the PMR 08 has no LPR, it's usually the detents as gassy said, the eyes, or the o-rings, other than that there isn't much else that can go wrong.

soul snatcher24

Active Member
Jan 9, 2009
King's Lynn
ensure that the BIP (ball in place) setting on the boeard is as recomended in your manual

remove eye covers and clean eyes and detents, then check to make sure they are springing back smoothly (when re installed in the gun)

take out and clean eye pipe as said above and check for sharp edges or cracks in the plastic

check bolt tip o ring for exessive wear or damage and replace if needed

reset the LPR, this video should help:
remember to clean and relube the bolt system before setting the LPR

if needed turn down the tension setting on your rotor by unscrewing the largest silverscrew on the back of the motor unit (this should make it easier to move the white gear at the front of the motor unit)

and most importantly check paint for misshapen balls or inconsistant size

hope this helps
Ryan, team domination
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