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PLEASE READ! Comments/questions welcomed in this thread.



Also be aware of

Kids vouching for mates.

Post count doesn't mean alot as some may have a couple of hundred posts but most of it's drivel

Anyone can buy Platinum status

Remember if YOU do vouch for someone and they make a mess of the deal,your judgement may come into question when people are coming to buy off you.

and don't think this is free reign to vouch for your pals to bump their threads,we will be watching and if a vouch has not been asked for and you provide a free bump your post will be deleted and more than likely infractioned.

Blue Beanie

I <3 Summer!!!!!
Dec 27, 2009
and don't think this is free reign to vouch for your pals to bump their threads,we will be watching and if a vouch has not been asked for and you provide a free bump your post will be deleted and more than likely infractioned.
ok then as i posted on a mates thread before this came up so please can you guys deleate if it's not ok or leave if it is


ok then as i posted on a mates thread before this came up so please can you guys deleate if it's not ok or leave if it is
Already done,so don`t do it again.
Mods do not miss anything.;)

Mrs G.


Active Member
Dec 14, 2010
do not use gift/owed on paypal
Why is this m8 ??

I still have to pay my paypal fee's regardless of what reason i choose to pay ???

I admit this is the first time's i have used paypal, except ebay, but then the seller takes the fee's so.


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Why is this m8 ??

I still have to pay my paypal fee's regardless of what reason i choose to pay ???

I admit this is the first time's i have used paypal, except ebay, but then the seller takes the fee's so.
When you pay through gift/owed, you still pay paypal their part of the deal through the 4%, but you're not covered through any buying protection laws/rules as it's simply a transfer of money from one party to another. It's NOT officially, or legally, a sale.

Buying goods or services means that a certain amount of credibility has to be maintained by all parties, including paypal. If goods are mis-sold, not matching the description, non-working (unless that was described) or flat out not there, then you can follow up through a paypal dispute and protect the money you sent.


Active Member
Dec 14, 2010
When you pay through gift/owed, you still pay paypal their part of the deal through the 4%, but you're not covered through any buying protection laws/rules as it's simply a transfer of money from one party to another. It's NOT officially, or legally, a sale.

Buying goods or services means that a certain amount of credibility has to be maintained by all parties, including paypal. If goods are mis-sold, not matching the description, non-working (unless that was described) or flat out not there, then you can follow up through a paypal dispute and protect the money you sent.
oh right so i have to pay the 4% anyway, or do you have to pay an extra 4% if you use goods rather than gift ??


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2008

You just use Goods and it takes the 4% but this will mean the buyer will pay more to cover the costs

So if a marker was £300 the buyer would have to send £312.71 this gives the seller his full £300 and also pays the fee's

http://www.rolbe.com/paypal.htm - PayPal Calculator :)

Hope that makes sense


Active Member
Dec 14, 2010
ahhh i see, feel a bit stupid now, well more than normal :rolleyes:

but yes makes all the sense now, just got me when everyone says add fee's or pay as gift :confused:

but all understood now thanks. :first:


Oh one other thing for the idea's list. During the recent "heads up" thread, a few said about it being forum rule to send everything as recorded as a bare minimum.

I think this should be a must, and insured if the price for an item is more, if a buyer decides not to cover the extra, then it must be stated on thread and the buyer accepts responsibly for any loss, but item will still go recorded.

And also as a rule everything sold. the seller will notify of tracking number or receipt when item is sent, this jsut gives all involved more proof and also less confusion.

Just an idea, might be to much work or add to much cost to items ???