This thread certainly makes some interesting reading - i'm sorry that i hadn't seen it sooner!
Here's are some of my thoughts to add to the pot:
Firstly I think that the idea of a UK Paintball Conference is an outstanding one. I don't think that it needs to be exclusively an event for just players though, as the industry as a whole could get a lot more mileage out of than that.
Having attended the Paintball Extravaganza in Atlanta for the past two years there are a lot of things that they do right (Tech courses, seminars, guest speakers, round-table discussions for field owners, good trade booths etc) and a lot of areas in which they could make improvements (ticketing system is always congested, trade booths are split between various rooms etc). My point is that we can learn from what Rick Chard has already achieved but enhance it so that it elevates UK paintball once again.
Timing (in my opinion) is crucial. October/November would be fantastic as most companies are in the midst of releasing new product for the upcomming season and as such i will gladly be petitioning the powers that be at Eclipse for us to be there showing off any new products that are available as well as running Tech Course for Dealers and Players alike on these products.
If this concept comes to life, and i can't see a reason why it wouldn't, then why not make it into a weekend whereby you can have a "closed" day just for the industry so that the owners/managers/salesforce/technicians of paintball stores and fields throughout the UK can come and meet the manufacturers first hand, talk directly about the products, pricing, availability and place pre-orders then and there leaving the second day "open" for all to attend and get the low-down on what's new?
I'm fully expecting some over-reaction here of why should one day be closed and the other open, well very simply the paintball industry have different needs to paintball players. From my point of view running tech classes for Dealers is very different to running tech classes for players as the content and the depth of detail that you go to on each one varies.
As for the bring and buy, swap-shop, car-boot sale approach - doesn't get my vote i'm afraid. Keep it professional and make it the must-attend non-tournament event of the European calendar. After all there's no reason why it has to be limited to the UK in the future if all goes well at the first event.......
One final point about the clinic that some people have mentioned. Whilst it's something i'm humbled that Robbo mentioned me for i don't think that it's appropriate at this type of event as i'm all about quality, not quantity. I'd happily pay to have a trade booth there promoting my clinics and taking bookings on the open day and would gladly have info available for anyone who wanted it, but as for any clinics being run at the event, lets concentrate on what's important first and foremost