Bristol Addiction are in need of a player due to a last minute drop out, I'm leaving for Reading in 20 mins so please call me on 07891671635 asap if you want to play. We play div 2. Cheers
Samurai MV need players for the 26th July tourneyat Reading Div 3. We may have two or three places. So if you have played at this level, and are at a loose end. Please give us a shout.
Distortion need someone to play Koth, anyone is welcome as long as you can pay your share an have a laugh, no one above NSPL div 4 as we already have a Div 2 stand in
hi all,
player needed for this weekend, team reign of fire.we did this before and got stuffed by the player concerned, so you must be willing to play all day and share the cost.