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Planet eclipse 'EGO'....

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Old Skool Is Cool....
Feb 1, 2003
I just got that pic too, well it looks like it's based off Eblade Technology with trigger and grips.

One thing of interest, it looks like a swivel-base reg on there, like the AKA sidewinder or Dye Hyper2 reg.

Anyway, it looks nicer with every pic released....


Nicked from PBNation


OK, probably not the information you really want to know, but this is the Launch schedule:

Monday 1st Nov will be the Official Launch date. On this day all technical specifications, photos, and videos of Ego will be released, along with the price! All your questions will be answered in full, where possible, and the order books will open.

Thursday 11th Nov will be its Debut at San Diego NPPL Super 7. There will be a firing range actually inside the new monster Eclipse booth that will be offering free demos all day every day, together with a Max-Out ROF competition. Ego will also be used on the field by a wide range of teams. Some of those teams may also be a bit of a surprise!

Over-counter sales of the Ego should also be commencing in San Diego and shipping starting the week following.

I know you all want to know what it is, how it works, how much, and what colour, but full stats will be available Monday coming.



Looks like you'll all see what i mean soon.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Right I'm yellow carding this thread.

Keep the parochial and village idiot nonsense to a minimum.

I'm not modding 11+ pages, but if it carries on, it goes (as will your post counts), and will be replaced with one that is kept salient and concise. Capische?

Speculate away on the new gun, but that only. If anyone's handing out any bitch slappings it'll be the TFP only.


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
will it be the new gun for nexus??

and i am wondering what, if any, upgrade parts it will be compatible with ie timmy, impy??

probably got a shaft barrel and i agree that it looks similar to the E2 frame and trigger.

ooooh the anticipation, roll on monday!!!!

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by dusty
probably got a shaft barrel and i agree that it looks similar to the E2 frame and trigger.
That's what I'd do even if I were designing a gun that has f*ck all to do with the E2. Just so there would be sort of a family resemblance going on, showing both the E2 and the Ego as being part of the Eclipse family.

The leprechauns at Planet's R&D have been busy this summer...
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