"Jsy_W##nker !!!!!!!
If I freakin hear one more idiot moan and bitch coz some tin pot little tournament he has been to didn’t get covered or we didn’t mention his team or his mate’s, I am gonna puke my ring right up.
Do the top football magazines cover games on Hackney marshes in London?
No, course they don’t !
Know why ?
Coz nobody’s frikkin interested in them, that’s why !
They wanna hear about how Tottenham Hotspur stuffed Man Utd or how David Beckham scored a 40 yard goal or the fact Chelsea actually had an Englishman playing in their line up.
We cover all the corresponding big events in Paintball, The NPPL, Millennium, Mardi Gras and Skyball to name but a few but if you think we are gonna chase our asses round Europe just so we can report about the Cleethorpes freakin 5 man and mention your team’s fifteenth place, you are soooo wrong.
The parochial attitude you would have us adopt has long since been replaced by a wider remit of internationalism and professionalism, much like any other major sporting magazine and if you wanna see your team or name up in lights, start your own magazine and then book your appointment with the bankruptcy court, coz you are gonna need it.
And how the hell you can infer a decline in standards in the magazine just because we didn’t attend some tournament you happen to think deserved attention defies belief ?
Small minded people like you Jsy_W##ker amaze me, you think the World owes you something and it don't.
Make a mark in this world and people will report it but if all you do is bitch and moan, you just make yourself look an under-achieving fool.
You seem pissed.......