I am no expert but
As a little girl a studied ballet which is all about disapline and stance to a move, ballance and religious training untill you can do it in your sleep.
My mother taught me to box (yer I know Weird one. In her day she was the sparring partner to the london all school champ till she got too busty) my granfather boxed for the army. Another sport of contorl, timming, hand to eye coordination and not being afraid to get hurt.
I also have done a very limited amount of kick boxing I was told if I had the time I could be good (they paired me up with their retuning champ and I some what suprised him on my first attempt).
I have been known to dance, not hand bag shuffling. All night full on stuff. When it's 4am on top of a speaker, podium other such wobbly object in stupid high heels. You don't want to fall off and look redicluse.
You learn balance. you learn your limits. When I was really fit no drugs or alchol (3 sessions at the gym and toned muscles) I could and did dance for up to 8 hours and only disaper for nature breaks. Endurance still being acurate at the end of the day.
As TJ rightly puts it it's a skills thing they all relate and improve your game. To call paintball a sport as we do it's sports mem and women need understand this it's not just about turning up on the feild hung over ( I know some of you play better like that) and playing your game.
An unclutter focused mind plays a sharper tighter game, body weaves done them (balance and thigh muscles) I tottaly agree with learning to shoot with both hands. At the moment I take paintball seriously rather than personally playing but I am not dead yet. Which leads me to another point, if you are fit and look after your self and do the warm up streaches as TJ is advising it cuts down signifigantly on injury time. I speak from personall experince I had a real bad fall any normal person would have broken their neck, wrists and i don't know what else. I have always been increadably supple and flexable this is what saved me. To put it into paintball do the warm ups, don't rip and tear things, stop the cramps, have indurance, be able to fit into strange tight possions do the body swever thing at least once (dead cool) Have fun I will leave you to muse on this one.
Please tell why no one has yet hit this chess conparison? walking feilds working out the possiblitys the opositions game?
Just curious not meaning to thread hiest or offend.