Ok TJ, I probably should have used a better example for comparison, but cmon that wasn't worth deleting the whole post. That was a solid point and it saddens me that you would totally abandon it based on small portions of the content. Yeah, snip out the stuff that you find objectionable, but at least leave the essence to be read for the rest of that. You no doubt should have the capacity to appreciate that.
Not "smarter than that?"
I don't bow to political correctness, nor should anyone. You illustrate my point better than even I did, in that you obviously buy into social and political rhetoric and let it bend your speech to accomodate their exerted pressure. If in fact any reader of this board or anywhere actually believes in sanitized speech strewn with euphemisms, half-called back ideas, and pandering, then I not only feel sorry for them in their downtrodden plight in the world but also that they have little to of themselves left to look upon with any self respect. Integrity is the abscence of discrepancy between publicly expressed views and the values within your own conscience.
To put it in simpler terms for those reading this post in a hurry, THOSE WHO ARE CONCERNED WITH BEING POLITITCALLY CORRECT NEED TO GET A SPINE. The essence of the post that was deleted, for those who didn't see it and were robbed of the thought enrichment that it provided, I shall present below:
The reason that paintball continues to be bashed without any mercy is that we are only weakly defensive, not strongly defensive and not even a hope of going on the offense. We are given the reason for such is that we are a minority. However, numerous small and often frivalous causes are exponentially more vocal and aggressive and carry huge political clout---and more to the point no one would dare speak ill of them, no matter how noisy, obnoxious, or outrightly wrong they may be. ANY CAUSE. ANY DISABILITY. ANY ETHNICITY. ANY RELIGION OTHER THAN CHRISTIANITY. ANYTHING THAT ISN'T HATED BY LIBERALS. If you joke on them you're considered a bigot, racist, sexist, insensitive, radical, or whatever. Why? Because they said so. They wrote the vocabularly, and the public (yes, some of you) swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. No one questions it, and for damn sure never turns the question around to point it right back at them "Who the hell asked YOU anyway?"
Why the heck don't we take that stance? We are a group of people that get worse press than ______________ (insert villain of choice here), merely upon the whim of the liberal press, AND DON'T DO A THING ABOUT IT. Yes, scarcely a thing compared to protests, preachers speaking in public, boycotts, marches, editorials, referendums, and all the various other means that get causes on the news, in the minds of people, and accepted. Any other group of people in this country would sue the news for printing what they print about paintball and aggressively push laws guaranteeing our rights to play and express identity with our pastime instead of cowering in a corner and begging for them not to be taken away.