I'm lost... i thought the point of this was for the person receiving the goodies to put up a free item, and to keep that process rolling. Any order seems to have gone out the window
Someone needs to bring order to this to keep things rolling.
There are three separate chains running now due to kind people starting them without even receiving anything first.
1-I believe Niall W is the last of one chain with his offer of nipple cover and mask strap(which I'm surprised noone has taken),
2-DanRandon picked up the end of a chain from Dave, so he's the last of that one (is there a limit on how many times you give/receive?)
3-synergy is last on the other thread with his ion-threaded barrel, and is waiting for someone to give rhys (renegade) the love he deserves.
so take your pick and pay it forward
edit: if I'm mistaken please say something before it gets completely bugg3red lol, but I think I'm on track here