Confused - general acceptance that the sport is not currently awash with money, players, organisers and trade all struggling to various degrees.
General acceptance that we need to manage costs and minimise impact to players etc
General acceptance that still need to deliver value.
Millenniums answer again this year is to release another upgrade kit. Cost including shipping in the region of £700. In the case of the CPPS with 5 fields that represents a cost of £3,500.
How does this approach support the development of our sport - who really benefits from this approach?
Counter argument - dont buy the kits - leads to temas not being able to prepare for millennium events - counter argument, not many uk teams play the millennium
Arguments aside, i really can't fathom this approach.
I would be delighted to be convinced of the merits as I might then feel a little less angst!
I wonder what would happen if the leading European venues got together to run European events at existing sites ..............kettle, worms lid back on