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Paintball vids - recommendations needed.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Don't worry dude - I have more than enough already :D, I am actually trying to cut it down as I have like waaaaayyyyy too much.

But paintball or snowboarding related vids are welcome as I need some more wholesome fun :)

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30

If you want board vids, Jack Woods is your man, he LOVES that shiznit. I did too, as well as skating but 'balling has just Eclipsed (boom boom) both sports man. You don't know anyone who wants to buy second hand snowboard gear?? I got a World Industries board which is very very small (138, don't laugh) this is because I thought It'd be cool for tricks, closer to a sk8 board size you know (how stupid), it'd be good for a short ass or midget, it has Preston LS (I think, maybe LX) bindings with a half ratchet, just at the ankle, and some cheap boots size 8 (UK). All in good cond. I don't know how much yet. :D

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
Naaa dude

never been. Only been to Aviemore, that place rocks (Cairngorm slope). We managed to get into the residents bar once at areal lush hotel and gave a fake room number and name and for some crazy miracle the name and number were real and we got slaughtered on someone elses bill, How Cool is that??:D

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Well, if he wears size 8 boots, he might just be 1.38 M. :D
Back to the video topic: The best vid out there, with nothing even coming close would have to be 'An introduction to paintball' presented by Fred Schultz (multi talented that man...)
If you're ever drunk/tripping with a bunch of mates, go see it, you'll giggle your hiney off. Undoubtebly the worst presentation ever, the stupidest paintball ever, and the worlds wackest action shots ever. I mean, it goes like this:
(voice of Fred Schultz, zounding like he's reading out loud, and having trouble doing so) Here you can see a player getting hit!
-cue shot of someone sitting in a bush wielding a brass eagle bucket-o-crap 2000. All of a sudden a paintball hits his arm. He doesn't get shot, no, instead somebody just lobs a ball at him. Really, you can see it coming in with a 'pisboog' (which is a Dutch word, describing the trajectory pee makes after it exits the weener...)
And the tape goes on and on like this............

Any of you seen it? It's great for sh*ts and giggles....

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
Your knowledge astounds me bro'

Have you seen the Ironman video? I don't mean SC Ironmen or Bob Long's Ironmen I mean the original Ironmen, when Dave Youngblood played for them and Eric Felix looks like a fool and Bob Long......ok he's still pretty big. The vid is so funny. Brahim looks like the magician David Copperfield, I swear, and Shane Pestana looks like Ralph Malph from Happy Days. :D

Best vid PUSH. Buy it!!!


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Size 8 and 138 - you must be less of a man than your' bro's say you are :D

Me - I am size 11 and use a 167 wide (big plates of meat, me)

Vid wise make sure Jack has Transcedance and Optigrab on DVD - there is some sick schiznit from Jeremy Jones and Axel - I am no jib freak :). Otherwise Amp is cool and has some "progressive" stuff

As for Pball (on topic!) Push is cool but haven't seen any of the Traumahead stuff - might see if I can swap a "copy" :)

Al Woods

GFH Trouble Maker
Jul 7, 2001
Your 30
Baznits, the lot of ya!!

Ok, so I might have lil' size 8's and my snowboard is WAY too short but, but.....AAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!! ;)

My size 8's are specially made my giants because my feet are so wide it hurts the ladies. Length?? Naaa. Girth? Now there's a mans' business!!

Beak? You boys fancy playing Elsham in January?? It's Ken Costins' memorial tourney, maybe we can lend you some Traumahead 'till the indoor in Feb, I know you guys'll be there dude, we have a score to settle. Muwahhh ha ha haaa!!:p