I'mGonnaThrowMy $0.02 in now ...
I've never shot anything as nice as Ruby hellfire with the orange fill. And it's only a couple of bux more a box.
I do really like the way that the JT Maxim paint shoots, but I cant remember ever having more paint bounce off of more people in one day in my life. I took some of the paint out front of my place, found some good hard concreat and proceded to do the bounce test. the first broke in four bounces. The next, 5. Then next, 33. Yes, 33, thats not a typo. I almost gave up on the damn thing. It was sick. The 4th took 7. And the last took 10. So, after these disturbing figures were brought to my attention ... by me ...I decided to redo the bounce test. 1: 10bounces 2: 23bounces 3: 13bounces 4: 4bounces 5: 2bounces
It shot really straight. It even shot decently straight in the rain. but unless I got a hopper, mask, or pack hit, it bounced. Sweet spotting? forget it. The paint is such a bright color that it's almost like having a tracer round. Infact, you can follow the ball all the way into the belly of they guy you're shooting, watch it bounce off and see where it ends up. it's really quite interesting.
My conclusion: I got a bad batch. after my local shop sells all that they have in stock, and get a new shipment in, I'll try it again ...
I've never shot anything as nice as Ruby hellfire with the orange fill. And it's only a couple of bux more a box.
I do really like the way that the JT Maxim paint shoots, but I cant remember ever having more paint bounce off of more people in one day in my life. I took some of the paint out front of my place, found some good hard concreat and proceded to do the bounce test. the first broke in four bounces. The next, 5. Then next, 33. Yes, 33, thats not a typo. I almost gave up on the damn thing. It was sick. The 4th took 7. And the last took 10. So, after these disturbing figures were brought to my attention ... by me ...I decided to redo the bounce test. 1: 10bounces 2: 23bounces 3: 13bounces 4: 4bounces 5: 2bounces
It shot really straight. It even shot decently straight in the rain. but unless I got a hopper, mask, or pack hit, it bounced. Sweet spotting? forget it. The paint is such a bright color that it's almost like having a tracer round. Infact, you can follow the ball all the way into the belly of they guy you're shooting, watch it bounce off and see where it ends up. it's really quite interesting.
My conclusion: I got a bad batch. after my local shop sells all that they have in stock, and get a new shipment in, I'll try it again ...