the disclaimer is there to protect the organisers from court happy people which basically say you realise that you are taking part in an extreme sport and injury is possable when taking part. To cut a very long sory short.
However the organisers do have an obligation to make the event as safe as the can and i think we can all say Wendy and team do a fantastic job of this.
However the paint as the organiser does not directly supply this and every team has an open choice as to where to get their paint from can not be directly linked to the organiser. Wendy does police any paint issues anyway, this i have seen for myself.
so you can no more sue the organiser in this case than you can if say for example someone alters ther marker in such a way that its dangerous and causes injury or even a faulty marker/air system heaven forbid.
if the organiser checked every marker for safety this would have to be external and internal by the time thats done the event would have to be somethin like a 3 day event by the time they are all done with the checks.
Dont forget guys its just health and safety and we are all responsable for this not just the organiser.
effectively we use firearms to play the sport we love now if there is anyone shootin paint that they ae not 100% happy that its safe for use eg tested it before hand then that is plain irrasponsable.
as you intend to shoot an unknown projectile at another person