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Pain in the arse buyers


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2004
rochester, UK
Maybe there is a need for something like this but if someone with 1 post and no credentials offered to buy £400 worth of gear off me then i think i might have just been a little more sceptical.

But then again i trust no-one that i don't know until they prove themsemlves.

I think it's called self-preservation:cool:


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
any one get a problem drop me a pm and i will see what i can do :cool:

rule 11 of classifieds should cover this. so its up to the seller to be happy with the buyer. and with a low post count should know better


I'm a country member!
Its not just the buyers Kitch, its the other "Knobbers" as well that clutter up your thread asking stupid questons when they have no intention in buying and its all there in black and white for them to read. And the Mod wannabes that keep posting "UK in title"
I will stop now as we could be here some time :rolleyes:
Seconded, though I find the best way to deal with this is to identify the worst offenders and block their posts, they have nothing of interest to add.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Just keep hitting them report buttons, and we'll judge every case on its own merit.

I'm afraid they are a fact of life though. You get people going in and out of stores asking stupid sh*t all day too. If you throw out everybody that's been in once without buying, you'd end up with no new customers...

But like I said, hit that shiny report button, and let the gods.....sorry, mods sort them out.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Yup - report it all :)

I literally get about 5 reported thread a WEEK. If this is a problem then just report it and we'll be right on over to take a look-see.

Just like anything, the more we know about the more we can deal with.


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Also if you feel something warrants the personal touch, pm us with a link.

As Buddha says, they are a fact of life, and in the end if they keep pi$$ing around they will get a name for themselves and nobody will want to trade with them anyway. Their loss.

It all about the Karma chaps ;)