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PA starting boxes


Active Member
Apr 18, 2003
East midlands
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For next season i think it would be a good idea for the PA to bring the start to the front of the gate, i think its bad enough starting behind the gate never mind a meter or so inside the lines, but thats my opinion.

Can any one tell me why this different type of start gate was put into the PA?


Factory Paintball
Dec 7, 2003
Should start infront of the gate with barrels touching!! Gate should be netted so the eliminated players can see how their boys are getting on in the game!!! 1-4-1 should be brought into the fold and then 2-4-1, see how many people cheat then!!!! I think the Ref's are too busy thinkin about the sill rules rather than doing a basically easy job!!!

My 2 cents:cool:

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
All i can say is
I don't have a problem with it
It is different but then so is every field that you play
Strangely enough did we not use the same basic idea at the last series 2k4 event without any complaint.
Sounds like double standards to me
Originally posted by Dark Warrior

Strangely enough did we not use the same basic idea at the last series 2k4 event without any complaint.
Sounds like double standards to me
As far as I can remember there was no white lines or 5 second rule, and you can see the field from where you breakout.

This gives you a much better view of where you are going as you arent all bunched in together.

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Originally posted by John C
As far as I can remember there was no white lines or 5 second rule, and you can see the field from where you breakout.

This gives you a much better view of where you are going as you arent all bunched in together.
Like I said "The same basic idea"
If you have walked the field in advance you should know where you are going.
Now the blocks are a pain and I agree that something needs to be done there, before somone gets injured.

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Originally posted by John C
As far as I can remember there was no white lines or 5 second rule, and you can see the field from where you breakout.

This gives you a much better view of where you are going as you arent all bunched in together.

It's true we did have the same start gates and the same concrete stands, But we did'nt put the white lines in in case John C tripped over them or some others tried to sniff them.

How not having white lines painted on the grass and the five second rule "gives you a much better view" or indeed a safer exit What !.

There is never a complaint at Bully's because he is a man that has given great respect (And rightly so).

But it is quite obvious to myself (Remember I do the same job for SK4 and the PA) that some very narrow minded people have their own agenda on these boards.

I always thought that PM on here means private message.

please do not include me in your mud slinging I have been around for too long to get involved with the silly people.



Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Russ for the benefit of you and those with a persecution complex.

There is no axe to grind with the PA. I think myself and others here understand fully the approach or Vision you and the PA Politburo ;) have for Paintball in the UK.

Many agree with your approach, and many others do not. Web forums and Discussion boards are the places people should be able to discuss these either anonymously or not (ideally without fear of censorship). I rather enjoy a frank exchange of views on the matter, as I'm sure many others do. The path chosen by the PA or Vision is going to draw comment and argument as it is contrary or different to the current Status Quo or state of play.

Whether a right or wrong exists who knows, but people should be able to vigorously argue their cases either way. If everyone was singing of the song sheet the world would be a very dull place. What is slightly worrying is that on some issues, such as the start gates, the organisers take solace in the support they receive from the novice community and ignore the opinions of those who maybe not know better but certainly know different. To place value in the opinions of the novices (Div 2,3,4 players) over the more worldly experienced on rules, style of play and safety is to miss valuable insight and knowledge.

The same is true on Bonus balling. Paintball style of play has moved on, Snap shooting battles are a thing of the past, people are running and gunning and using firepower as an extension of a players skill set. When players are shooting lanes at 12-15 bps legally, taking multiple hits is an inevitability. Teams still looking for targets on a sup air field are self evidenced by their results, as the nature of the game has switched to dominance via firepower and movement.

In my opinion the PAs reluctance to embrace one of the fundamentals of the modern game: "Firepower" (as is evidenced by the starting gate scenario - starting behind mean very few players are taken of the bat), and bonus balling etc, does open you up for comment. In some instances the PA approach to matters is Confucian.

You want fast turnarounds, yet promote long drawn out games through field design and starting gates. Or want spectator friendly games but reduce the possibilities for spectacular elimination. I don't think it's an axe to grind, more people have a difference of opinion or are confuzzled.

Obviously it's the first year n'all, but I wouldn't take or detraction as completely negative, more bones for you lot to chew on. To plough on regardless may show great internal strength and determination (that's samurai teaching btw), but I do wonder if your alienating the upper echelons you really need for success (as is evidenced by the opinions of Ronnie, Jim of Just SoManc).

Food for thought eh?


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Originally posted by stongle
promote long drawn out games through field design and starting gates.
Not got time to type up my whole thoughts on the matter (boss is watching ;) ) but if they are promoting long drawn out games, why is the average game time around 2 minutes?

Is that not such a long game, or did I miss a trick, and that has now been declared a long time in modern paintball where games should last no longer than 30 seconds? :confused: ;)