Thanks to everyone one involved with the PA. Those working hard to run a fantastic event, especially the marshalls for standing in the way of our paint hours on end game point after point

. Russ we want more of these events the season is too short. A huge thanks to my team mates, pit crew and sideline coaches, for a team not played together until the start of this season and never played X-ball i think we did alright. A big thank you to all the teams we played this season especially No Limit who gave us such a great game. Thanks to the Disruption boys for their guidance. Thanks for X-BALL i am just hungry for more it puts the bite and aggression back into paintball. Bring on the PA cup! Oh and i have got to mention the paint and guns Zap paint from Phoenix (cheers PJ, Barry, Nicola) goes through the ego 07's like a dream not one break all season. The planet gear is just awesome.